Our Vision
Our vision is a connected family law system that minimises conflict and supports the best interests of families.
We seek to achieve this by encouraging practitioners from the legal and non-legal sectors to collaborate, share resources and provide referral pathways within the family law system.
Our Strategy:
- Establish and maintain professional relationships;
- Raise awareness and harness knowledge and expertise from professionals in the family law system;
- Provide continuous professional development to network members;
- Provide details of service provides within the Northern Rivers area;
- Provide accessibility and assistance to our Indigenous families and communities
Family Law Pathways Network - Vision & Structure
Family Law Pathways Network Lismore Purpose & Team
The Northern Rivers Family Law Pathways Network aims to strengthen relationships of professional practitioners and organisations by working collaboratively. Bringing different disciplines together, sharing resources and referral pathways provides a clear direction for separated or separating families navigating the family law system.
Links to service providers and resources for supporting organisations and professionals operating within the family law system. Our vision is a connected family law system that minimises conflict and supports the best interests of families.We seek to achieve this by encouraging practitioners from the legal and non-legal sectors to collaborate, share resources and provide referral pathways within the family law system.
Our Structure
Northern Rivers Family Law Pathways Network (FLPN) is auspiced by Interrelate and operates under the direction and oversight of the NRFLPN Steering Committee.
The committee gleans professional expertise across government, non-government, and legal services working within the family sector. A Project Officer is employed part-time to coordinate the daily operations of the network and assist the Steering Committee to achieve the goals set out in the Annual Work Plan.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to create a clear pathway for families navigating through the family law system. To provide direction and referral services for separated or separating families.
Support continuous improvement in collaboration with diverse organisations that provide services for separated or separating families
Facilitate a more connected and coordinated family law system that minimises conflict and supports outcomes that are in the best interests of the children
Promote a shared understanding of the range of services available, interdisciplinary practice and knowledge within the sector
Engage, equip and support frontline workers with training and peer support opportunities
Address the gap in access to family law and other support services for Aboriginal communities
Our Team
The Steering Committee members are: